7702 and You - Seize the Opportunity to Delight Your Policy Owners


What You'll Learn

Section 7702 tax code changes went into effect January 1, 2021.

What’s different and why were these revisions made now?

In our latest white paper, Proformex Chief Technology Officer, Dr. Amanda Yoho, and Life Insurance Specialist, Kevin Kelley, provide an overview of how these changes affect agents and advisors as well as policyowners. They offer perspective on how industry professionals can take advantage of these changes to enhance client outcomes for policyowners who meet certain criteria.

Hint: you don’t have to wait for carriers to release new products designed specifically within the guardrails of these changes; there are likely clients in your existing book you can delight today if you have access to up-to-date information on their policy’s performance and their changing needs.

Download this white paper to learn more about which of your clients might benefit from the Section 7702 revisions.

Download the White Paper
